terça-feira, 13 de novembro de 2012

Shared wisdom from the heart

Minha cunhada trouxe de viagem para mim este delicioso presente. Um guia com pequenas dicas sobre a maravilhosa experiência que é ser mãe de um menino. Estou adorando suas lições/mensagens que falam direto ao coração.

The five keys
  • Pray for him everyday
  • Respect his father
  • Do everything in your power to creat a peaceful home
  • Feed him love, morals, values and integrity daily
  • Be a strong woman

Realize that your son will love you more intensely than anyone or anything else in the world.

The more you talk to him the sooner hell talk to you

Keep in mind that from the moment he stars crawling, he's tasted freedom.

Don't forget, he needs one on one attetion from you.

His tears will break your heart. So will his smiles.

Try as you might, you can't shield him from life.

Mother To Son: Shared Wisdom From the Heart

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